Coronary heart Disease- causes diagnosis & treatments

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Coronary heart disease, commonly known as ischaemic heart disease affects more men than women. After the aging 50, the chance for developing coronary artery disease for both men and women are same. Commonly recognized symptoms for coronary heart disease are angina (chest pain), heart attack, heart palpitation, heart failure, breathlessness. The main problem is that everyone may not experience the same symptoms and also some may not have any symptoms before they get diagnosed.

Causes for coronary artery disease

Coronary artery disease happens only if the blood supply across the coronary arteries get interrupted or blocked. Building up of fats and the other substance (plaque) on the walls of the coronary artery is called atherosclerosis. And atherosclerosis is increased due to

  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood cholesterol level
  • Diabetes
  • Not having regular exercise.
  • Overweight

Diagnosis for coronary artery disease

  • Blood test
  • MRI scanning
  • CT scanning
  • Coronary angiography

Treating coronary artery disease

Treatment for coronary artery involves lifestyle changes (regular exercise, having a low-fat high fiber diet, stop smoking), taking medications (medications to prevent coronary artery disease are blood pressure tablets, statins, low dose aspirin),  undergoing surgical procedures (balloon angioplasty, stent placement, coronary artery bypass surgery) and visiting your cardiologist for regular checkups.

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