Overweight children are at risk for heart disease as adults



Overweight affects both your emotional health and your mental health. Overweight makes your children to keep away from playing with friends in playground since it makes them hard to cope up with friends. Because of overweight, you can’t wear some styles of clothing. Studies showed most of the children and teens of age 3 to 19 are having high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes.

Problems behind obesity and overweight
These conditions (obesity and overweight) will raise your health problems.
1. Heart disease
2. Type 2 diabetes
3. Asthma
4. Sleep apnea
5. Social discrimination

Hence, if we don’t find ways to help our kids to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, we are going to see them become adults with heart disease at higher rates and at younger ages than ever before.
Help your children to achieve a healthy weight
If your child is overweight, take an appointment with your child’s pediatrician about how to lose the weight of the child. Parents must take it a goal to provide your child a healthy, well-balanced diet along with lots of exercise.

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