Overweight children are at risk for heart disease as adults



Overweight affects both your emotional health and your mental health. Overweight makes your children to keep away from playing with friends in playground since it makes them hard to cope up with friends. Because of overweight, you can’t wear some styles of clothing. Studies showed most of the children and teens of age 3 to 19 are having high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes.

Problems behind obesity and overweight
These conditions (obesity and overweight) will raise your health problems.
1. Heart disease
2. Type 2 diabetes
3. Asthma
4. Sleep apnea
5. Social discrimination

Hence, if we don’t find ways to help our kids to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, we are going to see them become adults with heart disease at higher rates and at younger ages than ever before.
Help your children to achieve a healthy weight
If your child is overweight, take an appointment with your child’s pediatrician about how to lose the weight of the child. Parents must take it a goal to provide your child a healthy, well-balanced diet along with lots of exercise.

“Drinking coffee” is not a villain anymore


In earlier 70’s and 80’s, there were a lot of publications that implicated “drinking coffee” as a major risk factor for heart disease. All those publications reported that greater the amount of coffee consumed, higher will be the risk for heart disease. But later studies put an assumption that it was not the coffee result in heart disease, but the people who drink coffee more will be more likely to smoke, do less exercise, be overweight and lead less healthy lifestyle. By better studies, it turned out that coffee had no such harmful effect, and also coffee may even have a favorable effect on the cardiovascular system (possibly even reducing cardiac risk). Now we can discuss  each heart disease and effects of coffee in those disease.

  • Coffee and diabetes

Diabetes is considered as a major risk factor for heart disease. Several studies proved that drinking coffee will reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

  • Coffee and cholesterol

Coffee has got the ingredients that can raise the cholesterol levels, however, the concentration of those ingredients depends completely upon the way coffee is prepared. Boiled coffee contains a higher concentration of these ingredients while filtered coffee contains less concentration. Hence, people with cholesterol must drink filtered coffee.

  • Coffee and blood pressure

Studies proved that there was no connection between coffee and blood pressure. Thus, coffee drinking doesn’t result in high blood pressure.

  • Coffee and stroke

Even though there is no established connection between coffee and stroke, it was said to have moderate coffee consumption since it will be slightly protective from stoke

  • Coffee and heart rhythm disturbances

Even having four cups of coffee a day doesn’t cause arrhythmias (heart rhythm disturbances). There is no relationship between coffee and heart rhythm disturbances.

  • Coffee and Coronary Artery Disease

Studies turned out that the chance for having coronary artery disease was less for regular coffee drinkers.

  • Coffee and dying from heart disease

New studies concluded that regular coffee consumption was associated with a lower risk of developing heart disease, and a lower risk of dying from heart disease.

Most of these studies looked at coffee drunk in moderation (2-4 cups) and it would appear reasonable to recommend moderate coffee consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle


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How To Calculate Your Own Heart Age??

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The term “heart age” is called for estimated age of a person’s heart and cardiovascular system. The calculation of estimated heart age is based on cardiovascular health. The risk for developing cardiovascular disease can be calculated by comparing your estimated heart age and your actual age. If your estimated heart age is higher than actual age, then the chance for getting a cardiovascular disease is greater. This estimated heart age not only helps to know the heart risk but also will motivate you all to start and continue the healthy lifestyle.

How to calculate your heart age?

It is very simple to estimate your heart age. To calculate your heart age, you must know other important heart health measure and they are

  • Systolic blood pressure

You will get this measurement from a doctor’s visit or from a grocery store or retail pharmacy, or from your own blood pressure machine at home

  • Body mass index (BMI)

BMI is a measure of your body fat completely based on height and weight.

Along with these systolic blood pressure and BMI, your smoking habit will also  age your heart.

How to change your heart age?

If your estimated heart age is older than your actual age, you must adopt a heart-healthy lifestyle to lower your heart age. Lowering salt consumption, increasing physical activity, quit smoking and eating a heart-healthy diet can reduce your heart age

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Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation- its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation is a condition called for the inability of heart’s tricuspid valve to close properly. This defect will cause the blood to flow back into the right atria when right ventricle contracts. This tricuspid valve regurgitation may be due to congenital heart disease or any valve abnormalities caused by other conditions.
Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation is of two types
Primary tricuspid regurgitation
Secondary tricuspid regurgitation
Primary – the leaflets or the chords that connect the valve to the heart pumping chambers themselves are affected.
Causes of primary tricuspid regurgitation
• Valve infection
• Traumatic causes
• Birth defects
• Damage from pacemaker
Secondary – the leaflets and chords themselves are not primarily affected, rather there is a process called annular dilation (ring-like structure in between the upper and lower chambers of the heart). When the annulus enlarges, it stretches the valve leaflets cannot meet together, so they can no longer act as a valve and therefore, blood leaks backward.
Causes of secondary tricuspid regurgitation
• Right ventricular failure or enlargement
• Pulmonary hypertension
Signs and symptoms of tricuspid valve regurgitation
• Right-sided heart failure and right-sided congestion
• Shortness of breath
• Weakness
• Reduced urinary output
• Swelling (swellings in legs, ankles, feet and abdominal region)
• Liver dysfunction
• Fatigue
• Weight loss
• Active pulsing in the neck veins
Diagnosis for tricuspid valve regurgitation
TTE (transthoracic echocardiogram) is the test done to detect tricuspid valve regurgitation. This TTE test helps to get the information regarding the severity of the leakiness of the tricuspid valve, right-sided heart pressures and the pumping function of the right ventricle.
Treatment for tricuspid valve regurgitation
No treatment is required for mild tricuspid valve regurgitation whereas for severe tricuspid valve regurgitation, heart valve surgery is required. Surgery is done for primary tricuspid regurgitation when there is a development of symptoms or evidence of progressive enlargement and failure of the right ventricle. For severe TR, the tricuspid valve is operated.

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How too little sleep can hurt your heart?

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Studies found that short sleepers had a 48% increased chance of having coronary heart disease (CHD) and a 15% greater chance of developing stroke. Interestingly, long sleepers (those who averaged nine or more hours a night) had 38% increased the chance of having coronary heart disease, CHD and a 65% increased chance of developing stroke. The lack of sleep doesn’t necessarily cause heart disease, but it really increases the risk factors for heart disease. Some research even concluded, there is a relation between shortened sleep (less than six hours a night or have disturbed sleep) and increased coronary artery calcification.

How Sleep Helps the Heart?

A good-quality deep sleep reduces the work load of your heart, as blood pressure and heart rate goes down at night. The heart rate usually stays high for people who don’t have good-quality deep sleep. Lack of sleep can increase insulin resistance (a risk factor for the development of heart disease). Shortened sleep can increase CRP, or C-reactive protein, which is released with stress and inflammation. “If your CRP is high, it’s a risk factor for cardiovascular and heart disease. Shortened sleep also interferes with appetite regulation. “So you may end up eating more or eating foods that are less healthy for your heart.

How to improve your sleep?

  • Eat healthy
  • Regular exercise

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  • Try to use your bedroom for intimacy and sleep
  • If you can’t fall asleep, try to read topics that you are not interested
  • Don’t do stimulating activities before going to bed
  • Get a sleep of seven to nine at each night.
  • Keep your cell phones and laptop away from your bed.
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Do you know that it can be fatal?

Treatment is not necessary for all people with congenital heart defects. Only some need to visit the cardiac specialist for surgery. A cardiac catheterization or surgery is needed either to decrease the defect or to repair the heart defect. The common heart problems that can develop in children or in adults with congenital heart defects are listed below

Cardiac Specialist

Congestive heart failure:

Due to the presence of the defect in the heart, the heart can’t circulate the blood normally and hence the excessive blood gets builds up in the lungs, the liver, around the eyes, and sometimes in the legs. Medications prescribed may include diuretics, furosemide which will help to get rid of the extra fluid by increasing urination. A low salt diet may sometimes help to get rid of extra fluid. Captopril, enalapril are some blood vessel relaxing medications that help the heart to pump. In some cases digoxin, another medication is given which may the heart to contract with more force

Heart Rhythm Problems:

Patients with problems in either functioning of heart or any structural defects (congenital heart defect) to heart are prone to heart rhythm problem. The heart rate of a person varies according to the age his age and activities. If the heart rate is faster, it is called tachycardia. The medications prescribed for tachycardia are beta-blockers such as propranolol or atenolol and Digoxin. If the heart rate is too slow, it is called bradycardia. Treatment for bradycardia is artificial pacemaker implantation

Pulmonary Hypertension:

Children with congenital heart defects will have high blood pressure in their lungs, called pulmonary hypertension. After surgery to correct the congenital heart defect, the blood pressure in the lungs becomes normal.

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The impact of congenital heart diseases

For proper working of the heart, all the valves, arteries, chambers of the heart should work normally. If any one of the arteries, veins and chambers are malformed then the circulatory system gets affected. Congenital heart defects are those malformations of heart chambers, or valves, or arteries of the heart that are present at birth. These congenital defects may or may not have an effect on a person’s circulatory system. Congenital heart defects are mishap occurs during the heart development of a baby in the womb. Congenital heart defects occur mainly as holes in the chambers, malformation for either heart chambers or heart valves. Congenital heart defect can increase the risk of developing certain other medical conditions such as Pulmonary Hypertension, Arrhythmias, Infective EndoCarditis, Anticoagulation, and Congestive Heart Failure.

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The reason for the development of congenital heart defects is presumed to be genetic. And the other reasons presumed are injections of some drugs during pregnancy and infections during pregnancy.

The symptoms for congenital heart defects in babies will be evident during the first few months after birth. Minor congenital heart defects rarely show symptoms. Hence, these kinds of minor congenital heart defects are often diagnosed on regular medical check up. The symptoms for Severe and complicated congenital heart defects generally becomes evident during the first few months after birth. Some babies are blue or have very low blood pressure shortly after birth. Other defects cause breathing difficulties, feeding problems, or poor weight gain, heart murmurs.

Virtually all youngsters with simple congenital heart defects survive into adulthood. Though exercise capability could also be restricted, most of the people lead traditional or nearly normal lives. For a lot of complicated lesions, limitations are common. Some youngsters with congenital heart defect show a delay in their development and growth. And also, some babies have different learning difficulties due to congenital heart defects.

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Types of Cardiovascular Disease

It is about fifty types of heart diseases are occurring in Humans. Actually, heart disease is an umbrella term called for all the conditions affecting the structure and functions of the heart. These conditions are may be due to genetic and our lifestyles.

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Types of cardiovascular disease

Coronary heart disease (CHD) – This is the most type of cardiovascular disease. Coronary heart disease is also called as ischemic heart disease. This disease is due to atherosclerosis (narrowing or hardening of arteries that supply blood). Coronary heart disease is usually the reason for heart attack, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease.

Heart attack

The heart attack is also known as myocardial infarction. The reason for heart attack is due to narrowing or hardening of arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle from the build-up of fat, cholesterol, and other substances all together called as “plaque.” A blood clot around the plaque may block the blood flow to the heart muscle resulting permanent damage to the heart muscle. The common symptoms for heart attack are

  • Chest pressure or pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, back, arms or shoulder
  • Feeling weak, lightheaded, or nauseous


Irregular heartbeat causes arrhythmia.  Due to irregular heartbeat, the heart can’t pump blood effectively to the lungs, brain, and other organs, causing them to potentially shut down or become damaged.

Heart failure

This is a serious condition in which the heart pumps weaker than normal, causing blood to move through the body at a slower rate and increases pressures in the heart. The weakened heart will not be able to work for the body demands and hence makes the patient very tired. The symptoms for heart failure are

  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty breathing when lying down
  • Swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet
  • General fatigue and weakness

Congenital Heart Disease

Another category of heart disease appears when the fetus is developing and or may produce symptoms at birth or during childhood after birth is called as the congenital heart defect. This structural defect affects the normal functioning of the heart. The reason for congenital heart defects are

  • Chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome
  • Maternal viral infection in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • Maternal drug or alcohol abuse during pregnancy, and certain medications such as Warfarin

Heart Muscle Disease (Cardiomyopathy)

This is a disease that causes the heart to be abnormally enlarged, thickened and/or stiffened. Cardiomyopathy reduces the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively and often leads to heart conditions like arrhythmias or heart failure.

The good news for all is that many types of heart disease can be prevented or can be reduced with our healthy habits. So you can reduce the risk of getting heart disease, by following the golden steps below:

  • Eating a low sodium diet
  • Eating more fresh fruit and vegetables while limiting foods high in saturated fat
  • Exercising at least 3 – 5 times a week for 30 minutes a day
  • Stop smoking!
  • Controlling your diabetes and high blood pressure


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Heart Disease in Children

Heart disease is a serious problem for both adults and children. There are different types of heart diseases that occur in children such as congenital heart diseases, Atherosclerosis; Arrhythmias; Eisenmenger Syndrome; Kawasaki Disease; Heart Murmurs; Pericarditis; Rheumatic Heart Disease; Viral Infections.

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Congenital heart defects

These are heart’s structural defect affects the children at their birth time. These defects mostly affect the heart muscles and heart valves. Congenital heart defects occur in heart valve as either narrowing of the aortic valve, or a mitral valve prolapsed. Congenital heart defects occur in the septum (the wall) that separates the left and right sides of the heart.

The other types of congenital heart defects are:

  • Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS)

In this type of congenital heart defect, the left side of the heart is will be underdeveloped.

  • Holes in the heart

These defects are present at the walls present between the chambers and between major blood vessels leaving the heart. Example for this kind of congenital heart defects are

  1. ASD- appears in atrial chambers
  2. VSD- appears in ventricular chambers
  3. Patent ductus arteriosus- this often occurs in girls. This is a condition in which the blood vessel (ductus arteriosus) does not close. This PDA causes irregular blood flow occurring between the aorta and pulmonary artery.
  • Complex congenital heart defects (a combination of defects)

The best example for complex congenital heart defects is tetralogy of Fallot. Tetralogy of Fallot is a combination of four heart defects such as

  • A hole in the ventricular septum
  • A narrowed passage between the right ventricle and pulmonary artery
  •  A thickened right side of the heart
  • A displaced aorta.

Treatment for congenital heart defects are


This defect is due to the abnormal or irregular rhythm of the heart and which in turn affects the pumping mechanism of the heart. The examples for Arrhythmias occurring in children are

  • Tachycardia (a fast heart rate)
  •  Bradycardia (a slow heart rate)
  •  Long q-t syndrome (LQTS)
  •  Wolff-Parkinson-white syndrome (WPW Syndrome)

Symptoms for Arrhythmias are weakness, Fatigue, dizziness, fainting, difficulty feeding.

Eisenmenger Syndrome

The symptoms for this disease are

  •  Cyanosis (due to decreased oxygen in the blood the skin become pale blue or grayish colour)
  •  Pulmonary hypertension (is due to high blood pressure in the blood vessels of the lungs)
  •  Polycythaemia (is due to a large number of red blood cells).

Kawasaki Disease

This is a rare disease and can cause inflammation in the blood vessels that pumps blood into the hand, feet, lip, mouth and throat results a high fever and swelling in lymph nodes.

Heart Murmurs

Heart murmurs are may be due to congenital heart defects. These heart murmurs are produced by the blood that circulates through the heart.


The inflammation of sac or membrane that surrounds the heart (pericardium) results in a condition called Pericarditis.

Rheumatic Heart Disease

Rheumatic heart disease is present in children of age group 5 to 15. The streptococcus bacterium causes rheumatic heart disease. This disease affects the myocardium (heart muscle).

Viral Infections

The respiratory illness or the flu can cause viral infections that may lead to heart diseases.

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Does Slim Hypertensive People Have Higher Cardiovascular Risk?

Studies have proved that hypertension is dangerous for both slim and obese people. It is commonly believed that slim people do not have cardiovascular diseases. Healthy weighted persons without hypertension (high blood pressure) had a lower chance of getting heart diseases. Obese people with hypertension have a higher risk of getting heart diseases. But the chances for getting heart disease are same for both healthy-weighted and obese people with high blood pressure.


Controlling hypertension (high blood pressure) is necessary for preventing cardiovascular diseases. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you to delay or to reduce hypertension. Some changes you can bring on to your lifestyle are described below

  • Weight loss

This is the most effective step that you can bring on to your lifestyle

  • Exercise regularly

Doing exercise nearly 30 minutes daily can help you to reduce your body hypertension. The best exercises you can prefer includes

  1. Walking
  2. Jogging
  3. Cycling
  4. Swimming
  5. Dancing

Only do the physical activities after consulting with your doctor.

  • Have a healthy diet

Try to include in your diet, foods which are rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products.

  • Reduce the quantity of sodium in your diet

The effect of sodium in bodies varies with people.

  • Stops or control the alcohol consumption
  • Quit smoking
  • Cut back on caffeine

You can reduce the amount of caffeine intake. You can consult with a doctor and can check the impact of caffeine on your blood pressure.

  • Reduce your stress

Stress is an important contributor of hypertension.

  • Monitor your blood pressure at home and see your doctor regularly
  • Get support

Caring and support from our family also play a role in maintaining your health.

People who already have hypertension should adhere to the treatment and medication management prescribed by their doctors.